
Check out the media coverage surrounding our recent studies!

Aglinskas, A., Hartshorne, J. K., & Anzellotti, S. (2022). Contrastive machine learning reveals the structure of neuroanatomical variation within autism. Science, 376(6597), 1070-1074.

Daily Beast

Hartshorne, J. (2021). Just give them childcare: The COVID-19 pandemic as a natural experiment in parenting practices.


Hartshorne, J. K., Huang, Y. T., Lucio Paredes, P. M., Oppenheimer, K., Robbins, P. T., & Velasco, M. D. (2021). Screen time as an index of family distress.
Current Research in Behavioral Sciences, 2, 100023.

New York Times | Seattle Times | CBS Baltimore | Boston Globe

Mehr, Samuel A., Singh, Manvir, Knox, Dean, Ketter, Daniel M., Pickens-Jones, Daniel, Atwood, S., Lucas, Christopher, Nori, Jacoby, Egner, Alena A., Hopkins, Erin J., Howard, Rhea M., Hartshorne, Joshua K., Jennings, Mariela V., Simson, Jan, Bainbridge, Constance M., Pinker, Steven, O'Donnell, Timothy J., Krasnow, Max M., & Glowacki, Luke. (2019). Universality and diversity in human song.
Science, 366(6468).

Scientific American | El País | Wall Street Journal | New York Times | Newsweek | YouTube

J. K. Hartshorne, J.B. Tenenbaum, and S. Pinker. A critical period for second language acquisition: Evidence from 2/3 million English speakers.
Cognition, in press. 2018.

The Economist | MIT News | BBC News | Time | Newsweek | Daily Mail | Scientific American | WCAI | IFLScience | BBC Newshour | New York Times

Open Science Collaboration. Estimating the reproducibility of psychological science.
Science, 349, 2015.

New York Times | Washington Post | NPR | Economist | Scientific American | Slate | FiveThirtyEight | XKCD

J. K. Hartshorne and L. T. Germine. When does cognitive functioning peak? The asynchronous rise and fall of different cognitive abilities across the life span.
Psychological Science, 26(4):433–443, 2015.

Boston Globe | New York Times | Wall Street Journal | The Atlantic | Yahoo News | Medical Daily | WBUR | Health

J. K. Hartshorne, N. Salem Hartshorne, and T. S. Hartshorne. Birth order effects in the formation of long-term relationships.
Journal of Individual Psychology, 65:156–176, 2009.

Scientific American | Psychothalamus | Stuff | i09